How to clean the pavement?

Paving and tiles are an important part of the interior and exterior of the house. However, once they are worn and dirty, they can reduce the aesthetic value of the room. In this article, we will look at several ways to clean the floor and tiles in the bathroom.

How to clean old tiles?

Dirty bathroom tiles can be very frustrating and difficult to clean. However, there are many ways to clean old tiles and restore their original shine:

  1. Using a paste made of water and baking soda – mix water and baking soda into a paste and apply it to the tiles. Leave it on for about 15 minutes and then rinse it off with clean water.
  2. Special cleaners for natural stone – if you have a natural stone, use special acid-based cleaners designed for cleaning natural stone.
  3. Steam cleaning – if you have enough time and money to buy steam, you can use a steam cleaner. The high temperature of the steam effectively removes dirt from the tiles.

If the tiles are heavily soiled, it may be necessary to use professional cleaning services.

How to clean the pavement?

How to remove limescale from tiles?

When white spots start to appear on the tiles in your bathroom, this is a sign of scale build-up. Scale is caused by mineral deposits that leave a hard layer on the surface of the tiles. There are several ways to remove limescale from tiles:

  1. Vinegar and water – mix vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio and apply the mixture to the tiles. Leave it on for about 5-10 minutes and then rinse it off with water.
  2. Lemon juice and salt – mix lemon juice and salt into a paste and apply it to the tiles. Leave it on for about 10 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

If the tiles are heavily soiled, we recommend contacting a professional cleaning service such as Ohayno for more information and cleaning arrangements. Ohayno is a professional cleaning company in Prague that offers a wide range of cleaning services, including bathroom tile cleaning.

If you want to learn how to clean bathroom tiles, you can use common household cleaners and specialized cleaners for natural stone tiles. If the tiles are heavily soiled, it is advisable to contact professional cleaners.

How to clean the tiles in the bathroom?

  1. Using a regular household cleaner – use a regular household cleaner on the bathroom tiles. Read the instructions on the package carefully before use.
  2. Special floor cleaner – if you have natural stone floors, use a special floor cleaner designed for this type of floor.
  3. Steam cleaning – again, if you have enough time and money, you can use a steam cleaner to effectively remove dirt from the paving.

If you don’t have time to clean spar paving and tiles yourself, order our professional cleaning services in Prague – Ohayno. Our experienced staff with state-of-the-art equipment and cleaning products can effectively clean your floor tiles and bathroom tiles at competitive cleaning prices. Contact us today to book our cleaning services!

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